Source: core/GameObject/GameObject.js

 * @author Inateno / /

 * @constructor GameObject
 * @class The core of the engine, all is based on GameObjects
 * They can get renderers, collider (can add more than one but not in an array)
 * You can make groups by adding a GameObject to an other (no recursive limit but be prudent with that,
 * I tried a 5 levels hierarchy and this work perfectly, but you shouldn't have to make a lot)
 * @param {object} params - All parameters are optional
 * @author Inateno
 * @example // the most simple example
 * var ship = new DE.GameObject();
 * @example // with positions
 * var ship = new DE.GameObject( { "x": 100, "y": 200, "zindex": 1, "name": "ship", "tag": "player" } );
 * @example // a complete GameObject with a sprite and a CircleCollider
 * var ship = new DE.GameObject( {
 *   "x": 100, "y": 200, "zindex": 1, "name": "ship", "tag": "player"
 *   ,"renderers": [ new DE.SpriteRenderer( { "spriteName": "ship", "offsetY": 100 } ) ]
 *   ,"collider": new DE.CircleCollider( 60, { "offsetY": 50 } )
 * } );
 * @property {String} [id="0-999999999"] the gameObject id
 * @property {String} [name="noname"] use name to detect precise type (example player)
 * @property {String} [tag="none"] use tags for quick type recognition (example characters)
 * @property {GameObject} [parent=null] if you want to set it a parent on creation
 * @property {Array-GameObject} [childrens=[]] if you want to give childs on creation
 * @property {Vector2} [position] if you give a Vector2, this have to be Vector2 class not a nested object
 * @property {Float} [x=0] x position
 * @property {Float} [y=0] y position
 * @property {Float} [z=0] z position
 * @property {Int} [zindex=0] zindex to order the same z axis objects
 * @property {Renderer} [renderer] give a renderer
 * @property {Array-Renderer} [renderers] give some renderers
 * @property {Collider} [collider]
 * @property {RigidBody} [rigidbody] work in progress
define( [ 'DE.Vector2', 'DE.GameObject.render', 'DE.GameObject.update', 'DE.CONFIG', 'DE.Sizes', 'DE.Event' ],
function( Vector2, render, update, CONFIG, Sizes, Event )
  var PI = Math.PI;
  function GameObject( params )
    params    = params || {};
     * @public
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {String}
     */      = || Math.random() * 999999999 >> 0;
     * @public
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {String}
     */    = != undefined ? : 'noname';
     * @public
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {String}
    this.tag     = params.tag || 'none';
     * @public
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.enable = true;
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Scene}
    this.scene   = null;
     * @private
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Object}
    this.killArgs= {};
    // TODO - define if stay or not
      // this.parentPosition = null;
      this.sceneIndex = 0;
     * @public
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {GameObject}
    this.parent = params.parent || undefined;
     * @public
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Int}
    this.zindex = params.zindex || 0;
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Array-GameObject}
    this.childrens = params.childrens || new Array();
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Vector2}
    this.position = params.position || new Vector2( params.x || 0, params.y || 0, params.z || 0 );
     * @private
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Object}
    this.automatism = {};
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {String}
    this.flag = null;
     * register which cursor is over (used to fire Enter and Leave events)
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Array}
    this.indexMouseOver = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
     * register if moved, can be used for collisions, advanced buffers
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.isMoved = false;
     * @private
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Sizes}
    this.biggerOffset = new Sizes( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Array-Renderer}
    this.renderers  = new Array();
    if ( params.renderers && params.renderers.length > 0 )
      for ( var i = 0, r; r = params.renderers[ i ]; i++ )
        r.gameObject = this;
        this.addRenderer( r );
    if ( params.renderer )
      params.renderer.gameObject = this;
      this.addRenderer( params.renderer );
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {Collider}
    this.collider = params.collider || null;
    if ( this.collider !== null )
      this.collider.gameObject = this;
     * @protected
     * @memberOf GameObject
     * @type {RigidBody}
    this.rigidbody  = params.rigidbody || undefined;
    if ( this.rigidbody && this.rigidbody.gameObject != this )
      this.rigidbody.gameObject = this;
    Event.addEventComponents( this );
  GameObject.prototype = { constructor: GameObject };
   * move gameObject with a vector 2
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @public
   * @param {Vector2} vector2
   * @param {Boolean} absolute
   * if absolute, object will move on world axis instead this own axis
   * @example myObject.translate( { "x": 10, "y": 5 }, false );
  GameObject.prototype.translate = function( vector2, absolute )
    absolute = absolute || false;
    this.position.translate( vector2, absolute );
   * move gameObject along x axe
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {Float} distance
   * @param {Boolean} absolute
   * if absolute, object will move on world axis instead this own axis
  GameObject.prototype.translateX = function( distance, absolute )
    absolute = absolute || false;
    this.translate( { x: distance, y: 0 }, absolute );

   * move gameObject along y axe
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {Float} distance
   * @param {Boolean} absolute
   * if absolute, object will move on world axis instead this own axis
  GameObject.prototype.translateY = function( distance, absolute )
    absolute = absolute || false;
    this.translate( { x: 0, y: distance }, absolute );
   * return absolute position
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
  GameObject.prototype.getPos = function()
    if ( this.parent )
      var pos = this.parent.getPos();
      var harmonics = this.parent.getHarmonics();
      // if ( harmonics.sin == 0 && harmonics.cos == 1 )
      //   return { x: this.position.x + pos.x, y: this.position.y + pos.y, z: this.position.z + pos.z };
      return { x: -(-this.position.x * harmonics.cos + this.position.y * harmonics.sin) + pos.x
        , y: -(-this.position.x * harmonics.sin + this.position.y * -harmonics.cos) + pos.y
        , z: this.position.z + pos.z
    return { x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y, z: this.position.z };
   * return absolute harmonics (sin, cos)
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
  GameObject.prototype.getHarmonics = function()
    if ( this.parent )
      return this.position.getHarmonics( this.parent.getRotation() );
    return this.position.getHarmonics();
   * return the absolute rotation
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
  GameObject.prototype.getRotation = function()
    if ( this.parent )
      return ( this.position.rotation + this.parent.getRotation() ) % ( PI * 2 );
    return this.position.rotation % ( PI * 2 );
   * quick access to position.rotate
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {Float} angle
  GameObject.prototype.rotate = function( angle )
    this.position.rotate( angle );
   * rotate the GameObject to look at the given 2D position
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {Vector2} vector2
   * can be a simple position x-y
  GameObject.prototype.lookAt = function( vector2 )
    if ( this.parent )
      var pos = this.getPos();
      this.position.setRotation( -Math.atan2( vector2.x - ( pos.x )
                                , vector2.y - ( pos.y ) ) - this.parent.getRotation() );
    this.position.setRotation( -Math.atan2( ( vector2.x - this.position.x ), ( vector2.y - this.position.y ) ) + PI );
   * add a GameObject as child
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {GameObject} object
  GameObject.prototype.add = function( object )
    if ( !( object instanceof GameObject ) )
      throw new Error( "DREAM_ENGINE.GameObject.add: this not inherit from GameObject, do it well please" );
    if ( object.parent !== undefined )
      object.parent.remove( object );
    object.parent = this;
    // object.parentPosition = this.position;
    this.childrens.push( object );
    if ( object.renderers.length > 0 )
      var x = object.position.x, y = object.position.y;
      for ( var i = 0, ren; ren = object.renderers[ i ]; i++ )
        if ( ren.sizes )
          if ( x + ren.sizes.width > this.biggerOffset.width )
            this.biggerOffset.width = x + ren.sizes.width;
          else if ( x - ren.sizes.width > this.biggerOffset.width )
            this.biggerOffset.width = x - ren.sizes.width;
          if ( y + ren.sizes.height > this.biggerOffset.height )
            this.biggerOffset.height = y + ren.sizes.height;
          else if ( y - ren.sizes.height > this.biggerOffset.height )
            this.biggerOffset.height = y - ren.sizes.height;
        else if ( ren.radius )
          if ( x + ren.radius > this.biggerOffset.width )
            this.biggerOffset.width = x + ren.radius;
          else if ( x - ren.radius > this.biggerOffset.width )
            this.biggerOffset.width = x - ren.radius;
          if ( y + ren.radius > this.biggerOffset.height )
            this.biggerOffset.height = y + ren.radius;
          else if ( y - ren.radius > this.biggerOffset.height )
            this.biggerOffset.height = y - ren.radius;
   * remove a the given child in this GameObject childrens
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {GameObject} object
   * object reference
  GameObject.prototype.remove = function( object )
    var index = this.childrens.indexOf( object );
    if ( index !== - 1 )
      object.parent = undefined;
      // object.parentPosition = null;
      this.childrens.splice( index, 1 );
   * return the children by name
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {String} name
   * name of the GameObject
   * @param {Boolean} recursive
   * if you want to look in childrens childs
  GameObject.prototype.getChildByName = function( name, recursive )
    var c, child;
    for ( c = 0; child = this.childrens[ c ]; c ++ )
      if ( === name )
        return child;
      if ( recursive )
        child = child.getChildByName( name, recursive );
        if ( child !== undefined )
          return child;
    return undefined;
   * bind a global event on the scene
   * use this but be sure to declared target function before
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {String} eventType
   * Down, Up, Move, case sensitive
   * @param {Boolean} [isLast]
   * if you want this event have to be called after all other of the same type was
  GameObject.prototype.bindGlobalEvent = function( eventType, isLast )
    if ( !this.scene )
      console.log( "%cCall bindGlobalEvent without adding the object in a scene", "color:red" )
    this.scene[ "on" + ( isLast ? "Last" : "" ) + "GlobalMouse" + eventType ][ ] = this;
   * sort childrens by zindex and z<br>
   * engine use this, but you can call it to if you need a to force sort when adding objects for example
   * @protected
   * @memberOf GameObject
  GameObject.prototype.sortChildrens = function()
    this.childrens.sort( function( a, b )
      if ( b.position.z == a.position.z )
        return a.zindex - b.zindex;
      return b.position.z - a.position.z;
    } );
   * add given Renderer to this GameObject and return current GameObject instance
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {Renderer} renderer
   * @example myObject.addRenderer( new DE.SpriteRenderer( { "spriteName": "ship" } ) );
  GameObject.prototype.addRenderer = function( renderer )
    renderer.gameObject = this;
    this.renderers.push( renderer );
    if ( renderer.sizes )
      if ( renderer.sizes.width > this.biggerOffset.width )
        this.biggerOffset.width = renderer.sizes.width;
      if ( renderer.sizes.height > this.biggerOffset.height )
        this.biggerOffset.height = renderer.sizes.height;
    else if ( renderer.radius )
      if ( renderer.radius > this.biggerOffset.width )
        this.biggerOffset.width = renderer.radius;
      if ( renderer.radius > this.biggerOffset.height )
        this.biggerOffset.height = renderer.radius;
    return this;
   * helper to know if an object has moved since last frame
   * (usefull for collisions or custom buffer optimisation)<br/>
   * it's used by the engine but you can use it to, to improve renderings or collisions
   * @protected
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @returns {GameObject}
   * current instance
  GameObject.prototype.moved = function()
    var parent = this;
    while ( parent.parent !== undefined )
      parent = parent.parent;
    parent.isMoved = true;
    return this;
   * delete the object
   * @protected
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {GameObject} object
   * object reference or object index in the childrens array
  GameObject.prototype.delete = function( object )
    // if its an index
    if ( this.childrens[ object ] )
      this.childrens[ object ].killMePlease();
      delete this.childrens[ object ];
      this.childrens.splice( object, 1 );
    var index = this.childrens.indexOf( object );
    if ( index !== - 1 )
      this.childrens[ index ] = null;
      this.childrens.splice( index, 1 );
   intern mouse events functions are undefined, have to write your own handler for GameObjects
   the camera trigger the events and give you a mouse attributes that contain
   x, y, pointerId 
   * onMouse[type] event, override it with the own GameObject's method<br>
   * not used as default<br>
   * mouses events can be triggered only if the current GameObject have a
   * supported Collider (actually, FixedBoxCollider and CircleCollider)<br>
   * here is the full events list (so override with this name) ordered by call order:<br>
   * - onMouseDown<br>
   * - onMouseMove<br>
   * - onMouseEnter<br>
   * - onMouseLeave<br>
   * - onMouseClick<br>
   * - onMouseUp<br>
   * you can stop the propagation to the "Last" events, prevent other types, or kill the current GameObject loop, check examples
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @function
   * @param {MouseEvent} mouse
   * is an engine custom mouse event
   * @config {Int} [x] x position
   * @config {Int} [y] y position
   * @config {Boolean} [isDown] if current cursor is down
   * @config {Int} [index] cursor id (for multi-touch)
   * @param {PropagationEvent} propagation
   * can kill event that append further current event
   * @example // simple event
   * myObject.onMouseDown = function( event, propagation )
   * {
   *   console.log( event, propagation ); // event contain x, y, isDown, index (touchId)
   * };
   * @example // here I want to catch the Click event, but I want to kill the Up and don't want other GameObject can catch events
   * so by returning true and stoping propagation, we kill the event
   * myObject.onMouseClick = function( event, propagation )
   * {
   *   // do stuff here
   *   event.stopPropagation = true; // prevent the camera.onLastMouseClick and all onLastGlobalMouseClick for those who listen Global
   *   return true; // other GameObjects will not handle the event
   * };
  GameObject.prototype.onMouseDown  = undefined;
  GameObject.prototype.onMouseMove  = undefined;
  GameObject.prototype.onMouseEnter = undefined;
  GameObject.prototype.onMouseLeave = undefined;
  GameObject.prototype.onMouseClick = undefined;
  GameObject.prototype.onMouseUp    = undefined;
   * delete the object<br>
   * this is the good way to destroy an object in the scene<br>
   * the object is disable and the mainloop will destroy it at the next frame<br>
   * trigger a kill event with current instance, and call onKill method if provided
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {Object} [params]
   * @property {Boolean} [preventEvents] will prevent all kill events
   * @property {Boolean} [preventKillEvent] will prevent the kill event
   * @property {Boolean} [preventKilledEvent] will prevent the killed event
   * if you provide preventEvents, all kill events will be prevented
   * @example myObject.askToKill();
   * @example myObject.askToKill( { preventEvents: true } );
  GameObject.prototype.askToKill = function( params )
    this.scene.cleanObjectBinding( this );
    this.enable   = false;
    this.flag     = "delete";
    this.killArgs = params || {};
    if ( !this.killArgs.preventEvents && !this.killArgs.preventKillEvent )
      if ( this.onKill )
      this.trigger( "kill", this );
   * If you want to get an intern method when your object is killed<br>
   * usefull when you make your own GameObjects classes, and don't want to inherit all the "on("kill")" events registered<br>
   * here the list of killed events:<br>
   * - onKill: when you called askToKill<br>
   * - onKilled: when your object is deleted (just before we remove collider and childs, so you can still do actions on)
   * @public
   * @override
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @function
   * @example myObject.onKill = function(){ console.log( "I'm dead in 16 milliseconds !" ); };
   * @example myObject.onKilled = function(){ console.log( "Ok, now I'm dead" ); };
   * @example myObject.on( "kill", function( currentObject ){ console.log( "I'm dead in 16 milliseconds !" ); } );
   * @example myObject.on( "killed", function( currentObject ){ console.log( "Ok, now I'm dead" ); } );
  GameObject.prototype.onKill   = undefined;
  GameObject.prototype.onKilled = undefined;
   * this function is called when the mainLoop remove this GameObject (after an askToKill call)<br>
   * you shouldn't call it directly, if you do it, maybe other GameObjects in the current 
   * frame are dealing with this one and should produce errors<br>
   * <b>if you provided to askToKill a preventEvents or a preventKilledEvent this will 
   * not trigger killed event and will not call onKilled method if provided</b>
   * @protected
   * @memberOf GameObject
  GameObject.prototype.killMePlease = function()
    if ( !this.killArgs.preventEvents && !this.killArgs.preventKilledEvent )
      if ( this.onKilled )
      this.trigger( "killed", this );
    for ( var i = 0; i < this.renderers.length; ++i )
      delete this.renderers[ i ];
      this.renderers.splice( i, 1 );
    delete this.collider;
    for ( i = 0; i < this.childrens.length; ++i )
      this.childrens[ i ].killMePlease();
      delete this.childrens[ i ];
      this.childrens.splice( i, 1 );
   * default render method, you can override it if you want but it's not recommended at all<br>
   * prefer use custom Renderers for specific rendering
   * @private
   * @memberOf GameObject
  GameObject.prototype.render = render;
   * default update method, you can override it if you want but it's not recommended<br>
   * prefer use custom addAutomatism who give you a better control/dry
   * @private
   * @memberOf GameObject
  GameObject.prototype.update = update;
   * This provide you a way to make your custom update / logic<br>
   * You have to set a name on your automatism (to be able to remove it/change it later)
   * if you provide a name already used you automatism will be overred<br>
   * - if you set an interval, this automatism will be called each MS given<br>
   * - if you set persistent to false, it will be removed after the first call<br>
   *<b>This method call only a protected/public method member of your GameObject</b>
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {String} id unique id to be able to remove it later
   * @param {String} methodName the method to call each time
   * @param {Object} [params] parameters see below
   * @property {Int} [interval] delay between 2 calls
   * @property {Boolean} [persistent] if false, your automatism will be called only once
   * @property {Undefined} [value1] you can provide a first value
   * @property {undefined} [value2] you can provide a second value
   * if you provide preventEvents, all kill events will be prevented
   * @example
   * // this will call myObject.gameLogic() each updates
   * myObject.addAutomatism( "logic", "gameLogic" );
   * @example
   * // this will call myObject.checkInputs() each 500ms
   * myObject.addAutomatism( "inputs", "checkInputs", { "interval": 500 } );
   * @example
   * // this will call myObject.askToKill() in 2.5 seconds
   * // with parameters preventsEvents = true and will remove itself after
   * myObject.addAutomatism( "killMeLater", "askToKill", {
   *   "interval": 2500
   *   , "value1": { preventEvents: true } // we want prevent the kills events fired when die
   *   , "persistent": false
   * } );
  GameObject.prototype.addAutomatism = function( id, methodName, params )
    params = params || {};
    // if using the old way - TODO - remove it on version 0.2.0
    if ( methodName.type )
      throw new Error( "You use the old way to call addAutomatism, check the doc please" );
      params = methodName;
      methodName = params.type;
    if ( !this[ methodName ] )
      CONFIG.debug.log( "%cCouldn't found the method " + methodName + " in your GameObject prototype", 1, "color:red" );
      return false;
    if ( params.interval )
      params.lastCall =;
    // only 2 vals max, I could allow a value by array
    // and call the method with apply, but it's slower (I have to try and bench the difference)
    // (to see the call go in GameObject.update)
    params.methodName = methodName;
    params.value1 = params.value1 || undefined;
    params.value2 = params.value2 || undefined;
    params.persistent = ( params.persistent != false ) ? true : false;
    this.automatism[ id ] = params;
   * remove the automatism by id you provided on creation
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @param {String} id automatism id to remove
   * @example
   * // remove the gameLogic previously added
   * myObject.removeAutomatism( "logic" );
  GameObject.prototype.removeAutomatism = function( id )
    if ( !this.automatism[ id ] )
      CONFIG.debug.log( "%c[RemoveAutomatism] Automatism " + id + " not found", 1, "color:orange" );
    delete this.automatism[ id ];
   * remove all automatisms
   * @public
   * @memberOf GameObject
  GameObject.prototype.removeAutomatisms = function()
    for ( var i in this.automatism )
      delete this.automatism[ i ];
   * provide Events handler
   * @memberOf GameObject
   * @public
  Event.addEventCapabilities( GameObject );
  GameObject.prototype.DEName = "GameObject";
  CONFIG.debug.log( "GameObject loaded", 3 );
  return GameObject;
} );
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