Source: Notifications.js

* @author Inateno / /
 * <b>You have to write your own CSS to place it, of course I give you a sample to try it<br>
 * Don't use margins on "notification" element directly, that's why I use a div inside<br>
 * (and set padding on the parent to simulate a margin)</b>
 * @namespace Notifications
 * @author Inateno
define( [],
  var Notifications = new function()
    this.DEName = "Notifications";
    this.notifs                = {}; // contain all notifications created
    this.notifsHeight          = 0;
    this.selector              = "notifsContainer";
    this.container             = null;
    this.templateName          = "notificationTemplate";
    this.template              = null;
    this.defaultExpirationTime = 3500;
    this.closeAnimationDuration= 400;
    this.notificationClassName = "notification";
    this.inited                = false;
    var _self = this;
     * Init Notifications, get template and container in the dom
     * @memberOf Notifications
     * @protected
     * @param {object} params - Optional parameters, you can change all default value (check out the main constructor)
    this.init = function( params )
      params = params || {};
      this.selector               = params.selector || this.selector;
      this.templateName           = params.templateName || this.templateName;
      this.closeAnimationDuration = params.closeAnimationDuration || this.closeAnimationDuration;
      this.notificationClassName  = params.notificationClassName || this.notificationClassName;
      this.container = params.container || document.getElementById( this.selector );
      var templateContainer = document.getElementById( this.templateName )
      this.template  = params.template || templateContainer ? templateContainer.innerHTML : null;
      if ( !this.container || !this.template )
        throw new Error( "Can't init Notifications without a container element AND a template -- "
            + "container selector:: " + this.selector + " -- templateName:: " + this.templateName );
      this.inited = true;
      this.notifsHeight = this.container.offsetHeight || 0;
      if ( templateContainer )
        document.body.removeChild( templateContainer );
     * Create a notification
     * @memberOf Notifications
     * @public
     * @param {string} text - The title of the book.
     * @param {int} expirationTime - Optional parameters in milliseconds
     * @example DE.Notifications.create( "hello world", 1500 );
    this.create = function( text, expirationTime ) // use this one
      if ( !this.inited )
        console.log( "You don't init Notifications, init it before call it" );
      this.notifsHeight = this.notifsHeight < 0 ? 0 : this.notifsHeight;
      var time = expirationTime || this.defaultExpirationTime;
      var id = + "-" + ( ( Math.random() * 100 ) >> 0 );
      var notif = document.createElement( 'div' );
        notif.className = this.notificationClassName;
        notif.innerHTML = this.template;
        notif.getElementsByClassName( 'content' )[ 0 ].innerHTML = text; = 'notif' + id;
      this.container.appendChild( notif );
      this.notifs[ id ] = notif;
      this.notifs[ id ].getElementsByClassName( 'notifClose' )[ 0 ]
        .addEventListener( 'click', function()
        _self.remove( id );
      } );
      var height = this.notifs[ id ].offsetHeight;
      this.notifsHeight += height; = this.notifsHeight + 'px';
      this.bindRemove( id, time );
     * bind the remove function
     * @memberOf Notifications
     * @protected
     * @param {string} id - Is the notification to bind
     * @param {int} time - is the time notification will stay on screen
    this.bindRemove = function( id, time )
      time = time || this.defaultExpirationTime;
      setTimeout( function()
        _self.triggerRemove( id );
      }, time );
     * launch animation to remove a notification
     * @memberOf Notifications
     * @protected
     * @param {string} id - Is the notification to animate
    this.triggerRemove = function( id )
      if ( !this.notifs[ id ] )
      this.notifs[ id ].className = this.notifs[ id ].className + ' disapear';
      setTimeout( function()
        _self.remove( id );
      }, this.closeAnimationDuration );
     * remove a notification from dom and object container
     * @memberOf Notifications
     * @protected
     * @param {string} id - Is the notification to remove
    this.remove = function( id )
      var height = this.notifs[ id ].offsetHeight;
      this.notifsHeight -= height; = this.notifsHeight + 'px';
      this.container.removeChild( this.notifs[ id ] );
      delete this.notifs[ id ];
  return Notifications;
} );
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