Source: core/Renderer.js

 * @author Inateno / /

 * @constructor Renderer
 * @class Renderer is used to Render a GameObject, you can add unlimited renderers on a gameObject and they can have offsets<br>
 * when you want to create a customized Renderer, you have to herits from this one 
 * (you can look at SpriteRenderer, BoxRenderer, CircleRenderer... are pretty good examples)
 * <b>!!Warning!! Default Renderer.render is empty, do not forget did it when you create custom Renderer</b>
 * @example function MyRenderer = function( params, args )
 * {
 * this, params );
 * }
 * MyRenderer.prototype = new Renderer();
 * MyRenderer.prototype.constructor = MyRenderer;
 * MyRenderer.prototype.supr        = Renderer.prototype;
define( [ 'DE.COLORS', 'DE.Vector2', 'DE.CONFIG' ],
function( COLORS, Vector2, CONFIG )
  function Renderer( params )
    params = params || {};
    this.gameObject  = params.gameObject || undefined;
    this.alpha       = params.alpha || 1;
    this.fillColor   = params.fillColor  || COLORS.defaultColor;
    this.strokeColor = params.strokeColor  || COLORS.defaultColor;
    this.method      = params.method || "fill";
    this.localPosition = params.localPosition ||
      new Vector2( params.offsetx || params.offsetX || params.left || params.x || params.offsetLeft || 0
                  , params.offsety || params.offsetY || || params.y || params.offsetTop || 0 );
     * setScale@void( x@Int, y@Int )
      update scales
    this.setScale = function( x, y )
      if ( !this.sizes )
      y = y || x;
      this.localPosition.x += ( this.sizes.width * this.sizes.scaleX * 0.5 ) >> 0;
      this.localPosition.y += ( this.sizes.height * this.sizes.scaleY * 0.5 ) >> 0;
      this.sizes.setScale( x, y );
      this.localPosition.x -= ( this.sizes.width * this.sizes.scaleX * 0.5 ) >> 0;
      this.localPosition.y -= ( this.sizes.height * this.sizes.scaleY * 0.5 ) >> 0;
     * scale@void( x@Int, y@Int )
      TODO - WIP - not finished
      will provide a scaling animation
      (different from sizes.scaleTo because need update offsets)
    this.scale = function( x, y )
      if ( !this.sizes )
      this.setScale( this.sizes.scaleX + ( x || 0 ), this.sizes.scaleY + ( y || 0 ) );
  Renderer.prototype = {
    constructor: Renderer
     * translate@void( vector@Vector2 )
      translate the renderer offsets
      ignore the deltaTime on renderers offseting
    , translate: function( vector )
      this.localPosition.translate( vector, true, true );
     * translateX@void( dist@Int )
      translate the renderer horizontaly
    , translateX: function( dist )
      this.translate( { x: dist, y: 0 } );
     * translateY@void( dist@Int )
      translate the renderer verticaly
    , translateY: function( dist )
      this.translate( { x: 0, y: dist } );
  Renderer.prototype.render = function( ctx, physicRatio, ratioz ){}
  Renderer.prototype.DEName = "Renderer";
  CONFIG.debug.log( "Renderer loaded", 3 );
  return Renderer;
} );
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