/** * @author Inateno / http://inateno.com / http://dreamirl.com */ /* TODO - do it */ /** * @constructor RigidBody * @class <b>Work In Progress don't use it!!</b><br> * Will be used to add physic on a gameObject */ define( [ 'DE.Vector2', 'DE.CONFIG' ], function( Vector2, CONFIG ) { function Rigidbody( gameObject, param ) { param = param || {}; this.gameObject = gameObject; this.velocity = param.velocity || new Vector2( param.initialVelocityX || 0, param.initialVelocityY || 0 ); this.mass = param.mass || 0; this.isKinetic = false; this.isTrigger = false; // this. this.addForce = function(){} this.addForceTo = function(){} } Rigidbody.prototype = Rigidbody.prototype || {}; Rigidbody.prototype.update = function() { // here update position with current scene forces and customized attributes // this.gameObject.position.y += this.mass; // get the triggered collision and apply physic on ? } Rigidbody.prototype.DEName = "Rigidbody"; CONFIG.debug.log( "Rigidbody loaded", 3 ); return Rigidbody } );