Source: core/Vector2.js

 * @author Inateno / /

 * @constructor Vector2
 * @class so, this is strange I assume, there is a z.<br>
 * But this z isn't a real axis, it's usefull to make a fake 3D scale on objects and<br>
 * ordering GameObject by z + z-index (order is important, lower z will be under higher z of course)<br>
 * So it's a Vector2 because you can't rotate or do anything on z axe, z is totally optional<br>
 * (of course, you can produce really nice effects with z, by calculating collisions along z axis, you should be able to do a nice Street of Rage like)
 * @example var pos = new DE.Vector2( 150, 100 );
 * @param {Float} [x=0]
 * @param {Float} [y=0]
 * @param {Float} [z=0]
define( [ 'DE.Time', 'DE.CONFIG' ],
function( Time, CONFIG )
  var _PI = Math.PI;
  function Vector2( x, y, z )
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @type {Float}
    this.x = x || 0;
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @type {Float}
    this.y = y || 0;
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @type {Float}
    this.z = z || 0;
     * current rotation, between 0 and 2PI
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @type {Float}
    this.rotation = 0;
     * store cosinus
     * @private
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @type {Float}
    var _cosAngle = 1;
     * store sinus
     * @private
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @type {Float}
    var _sinAngle = 0;
     * set precise rotation
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Float} newAngle
     * @returns {Float} this.rotation current rotation
    this.setRotation = function( newAngle )
      this.rotation = newAngle % ( _PI * 2 );
      if ( this.rotation == 0 )
        _sinAngle = 0;
        _cosAngle = 1;
        _sinAngle = Math.sin( this.rotation );
        _cosAngle = Math.cos( this.rotation );
      return this.rotation;
     * set precise position
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Vector2|Float} Vector2 or x
     * @returns {Vector2} this current instance
    this.setPosition = function( first, y )
      if ( first.x && first.y )
        this.x = first.x;
        this.y = first.y;
        return this;
      this.x = first;
      this.y = y;
      return this;

     * apply the given angle to rotation
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Float} angle rotation value
     * @param {Boolean} [ignoreDelta] if you want to prevent deltaTime adjustment
     * @returns {Float} this.rotation current rotation
    this.rotate = function( angle, ignoreDelta )
      if ( ignoreDelta )
        return this.setRotation( this.rotation + angle );
      return this.setRotation( this.rotation + ( angle * Time.deltaTime ) );
     * multiply this vector with coef
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Float} coef
     * @returns {Vector2} this current instance
    this.multiply = function( coef )
      this.x *= coef;
      this.y *= coef;
      return this;
     * move position along the given Vector2
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Vector2} vector2 vector to translate along
     * @param {Boolean} absolute if absolute, translation will ignore current rotation
     * @param {Boolean} [ignoreDelta] if you want to prevent deltaTime adjustment
     * @returns {Vector2} this current instance
    this.translate = function ( vector2, absolute, ignoreDelta )
      if ( ( !vector2.x && vector2.x != 0 ) || ( !vector2.y && vector2.y != 0 ) )
        throw new Error( vector2 + " is not a Vector2" );
      if ( !ignoreDelta )
        vector2 = {
          x : ( vector2.x * Time.deltaTime )
          ,y: ( vector2.y * Time.deltaTime )
      if ( !absolute )
        if ( this.rotation == 0 )
          this.x += vector2.x;
          this.y += vector2.y;
          this.x -= -vector2.x * _cosAngle + vector2.y * _sinAngle;
          this.y -= -vector2.x * _sinAngle + vector2.y * -_cosAngle;
        this.x += vector2.x;
        this.y += vector2.y;
      return this;
     * change the vector length to 1 (check wikipedia normalize if you want know more about)
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @returns {Vector2} this current instance
    this.normalize = function()
      var len = Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y );
      this.x = this.x / len;
      this.y = this.y / len;
      return this;
     * return the Vector between two Vector2
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Vector2} a first vector2
     * @param {Vector2} b second vector2
     * @returns {Vector2} this current instance
    this.getVector = function( a, b )
      if ( (!a.x && a.x != 0) || (!a.y && a.y != 0)
        || (!b.x && b.x != 0) || (!b.y && b.y != 0) )
        throw new Error( "Vector2 need two Vector2 to return getVector" );
      this.x = b.x - a.x;
      this.y = b.y - a.y;
      return this;
     * return the dotProduct between two Vector<br>
     * See wikipedia dot product for more informations
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Vector2} a first vector2
     * @param {Vector2} b second vector2
     * @returns {Float} dotProduct result
    this.dotProduct = function( a, b )
      if ( !a.x || !a.y )
        throw new Error( "Vector2 need two Vector2 to return dotProduct" );
      if ( b && b.x )
        return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;
      return this.x * a.x + this.y * a.y;
     * return the angle (radians) between two vector2
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Vector2} a first vector2
     * @param {Vector2} b second vector2
     * @returns {Float} angle result
    this.getAngle = function ( a, b )
      var tmp_vectorB = null;
      if ( b.x )
        tmp_vectorB = new Vector2( b.x, b.y ).normalize();
        tmp_vectorB = new Vector2( this.x, this.y ).normalize();
      var tmp_vectorA = new Vector2( a.x, a.y ).normalize();
      return Math.acos( tmp_vectorA.dotProduct( tmp_vectorB ) );
     * return real pixel distance with an other Vector2
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Vector2} other
     * @returns {Int} distance result
     * getDistance@Int( other@Vector2 )
    this.getDistance = function( other )
      var x = this.x - other.x;
        x *= x;
      var y = this.y - other.y;
        y *= y;
      return Math.sqrt( x + y ) >> 0;
     * trigger a circle collision with an other Vector and a range
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Vector2} other
     * @param {Float} range
     * @returns {Boolean} isInRange result
    this.isInRangeFrom = function( other, range )
      range *= range;
      var x = this.x - other.x;
        x *= x;
      var y = this.y - other.y;
        y *= y;
      var dist = x + y;
      if ( dist <= range )
        return true;
      return false;
     * return the harmonics value<br>
     * can pass a rotation to get harmonics with this rotation
     * @public
     * @memberOf Vector2
     * @param {Float} [rotation] used by gameObjects in getPos and other
     * @returns {Harmonics} harmonics (cosinus and sinus)
    this.getHarmonics = function( rotation )
      if ( rotation )
        return { cos: Math.cos( rotation + this.rotation )
        , sin: Math.sin( rotation + this.rotation ) };
      return { 'cos': _cosAngle, 'sin': _sinAngle };
    return this;
  Vector2.prototype.DEName = "Vector2";
  CONFIG.debug.log( "Vector2 loaded", 3 );
  return Vector2;
} );
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